Being a recent graduate - it’s a relief when a company like CIB judges you not just on your accolades or achievements, but your potential to learn, perform and succeed. I joined CIB in December and have enjoyed immersing myself into the demanding role of a PR Account Executive.
A conference call first thing Monday was a good way to kick-start the day, getting to know some of my clients, their expectations and the PR campaigns for 2015. Luckily, my first week was entirely office based, giving me the chance to really research my new clients, understand how CIB works with them and begin forming solid relationships.
Drafting press releases, blog posts, tweets as well as content for newsletters took up much of my first two weeks, as did client meetings, general research and other admin duties. I was also fortunate enough to be taken out for a work do; getting to know the truly awful football teams my colleagues support and other eventful stories from CIB’s past….
As everybody knows, there’s nothing worse than going into work on that first day, sweating over the smallest things that could possibly go wrong and knowing that you’re eager to contribute but having to begin the learning curve. However, everyone here has been fantastic, and I am already confident that CIB and I will get along just fine.
So - despite having toilet roll chucked at me by the MD (not as bad as it sounds), parking in the wrong place, and forgetting to sign into the office on a regular basis, everything so far is going just dandy.
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