Email marketing was recognised as the saviour to companies’ marketing needs as they struggled through the last recession – a quick, cost effective and measurable route to alert customers to new products, services and offers. At its height we were seeing some incredible stats for opening rates and click-throughs.
As more and more campaigns appeared, these rates peaked and began to decline year by year, quickened by the addition of other communication channels. However, email is still seen as an important lynchpin in many companies’ communication strategies, our clients included.
Adding in the move to mobile communications, with statistics that show that we are trailblazing in the UK, where smartphones outsell PC’s and laptops, how do we address the requirement to deliver emails that are legible for the small screen?
Responsive design provides the solution, with a tailored viewing experience based on the screen size of the user’s device. Optimising email messages to be readable on fixed, laptop, tablet and mobile screens pays off – customers using responsive email templates have enjoyed higher click through rates across all devices.
Unsurprisingly, responsive emails are particularly effective on mobile users.
Industry research from MailChimp, the leading email marketing service provider, found that unique clicks amongst mobile users for responsive campaigns rose from 2.7% to 3.1% - a nearly 15% increase. Responsive design also resulted in an increase in total clicks across desktop, tablet and mobile.
If you have already made the move to making your website responsive, enhance your communications with a joined up approach and make your emails responsive. We have.
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