
O U2?

In 1824, when the English eccentric Charles Caleb Colton coined the phrase, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; did he for one moment think that it would still be in common use as we enter into the digital age?

Gavin Tadman Joint MD

Gavin Tadman02.10.2013

To explain. We are enormously proud of a promotional video we produced to promote our longest standing campaign (now in its 17th year), for the Zumtobel Lighting competition.

As it’s a photographic competition, this year’s idea was to show fingers warming up, ready to click the shutter on the disposable cameras we send out to architects. The video is shot in a gym, with the fingers under all kinds of duress as they get themselves fit, played against the background of a Rocky-style theme.

Uploaded on the 10th June to Vimeo, we were then flattered to see that great minds think alike.

02, the UK’s arm of the mobile network giant Telefonica, uploaded a similar themed finger gym, played against the background of a Rocky-style theme, promo for their 4G network on the 30th July on youtube

There is, of course, only one way to decide which is best……………

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