
Proofing checklist for the perfect press release

There’s no denying that traditional PR is undergoing a transformation – with PROs having to adapt to rapid technological and cultural changes in the way messages are communicated.

Catherine Caplis - Joint MD

Catherine Caplis25.11.2013

However, the fundamental basics still have a major role to play – and crafting a well-written press release, case study or article still features highly in our construction PR team’s day to day work. So, in the first of my mini series – what makes a good press release?

Here’s my proofing checklist

  • Does the news warrant different versions for different target audiences?
  • Is the main USP of the new product, or the main thrust of the news story within the first paragraph?
    • i.e. can someone understand the story and get the key message just by reading the first paragraph?
  • Is the focus right? Does is speak directly to the target audience?
  • Is there a logical flow to the press release?
    • e.g. have you grouped relevant points together?
    • e.g. does the flow of the press release discuss items in the right priority given the target audience?
  • Does the quote add value to the press release? It should demonstrate the key insight, not just repeat the main copy of the release.

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