
Show and Tell

With unaudited figures for Ecobuild coming in at 3% higher than last year at around 44,500, has the worm begun to turn for exhibitions?

Whilst you could hardly claim that many of the Ecobuild exhibitors on show offered exclusively ‘ecofriendly’ products, the content of the conference and seminar programs certainly was – and their robustness has helped to deliver the audience for the show this year.

Yet, are we not at a stage now where all product manufacturers claim and maintain eco friendly offers? It’s part of the make up of the sector, not something special any longer. Therefore, is another face-to-face marketing opportunity required?

With that backdrop comes the launch of The Build Show, taking place in April 2015 at the NEC. The main thrust of the show will be the do-oers: the main contractors, sub contractors, specialist contractors, housebuilders and small to medium size jobbing builders. It’s the guys that ‘buy and apply’ that will be the core audience for this show, with the focus firmly fixed on what they can do to learn about building techniques and business in a hands on environment.

So what are the chances of it being a success? Well pretty good I think. If Bau and Batimat in Germany and France can continue to thrive based on this market sector, and if UK contractors and housebuilders are truly set to drive the upturn in the economy, why can't the Build Show fill the yawning chasm that exists to satisfy the demands of this market?

It won't be Ecobuild, it won't be Interbuild of old, but it offers the opportunity to deliver a show that the market can be proud of and where the builder can look and learn. In short, it will be a show geared towards the visitor, not the needs of the exhibition organiser.

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