
Social Media: Betwixt and Between

Historically, CIB’s media buying and public relations divisions have operated relatively independently with a clear differentiation in terms of remit and responsibilities. However, as social media continues to grow in importance we’re seeing a blurring of lines.

Catherine Caplis - Joint MD

Catherine Caplis28.05.2014

With activity initially based on content generation, social media has become an integral part of our construction PR team’s remit; but as we continue to shape client strategies, tactics such as promoted Tweets and Facebook posts are coming into play. Relatively small investments in campaigns have seen some fantastic results – with ROI figures that put many of the trade publications’ e-mail click-through statistics to shame. There is a genuine excitement across the team as we watch a steady increase in ‘likes’ on Facebook or click-throughs to a website from a promoted Tweet.

From a media buying perspective social media also can’t be ignored. Whereas I am still a great believer in the power of advertising, supporting any campaign with social media activity is now a must for the perfect marketing mix. Product launches in particular lend themselves well to a Twitter campaign.

So, where does it sit? Ultimately, it needs to become an integral part of public relations and advertising – further demonstrating how the traditional agency model is changing, to become ever more integrated.

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