
The Thinking Behind A Good Animated Infographic

A really good infographic is composed of beautiful visuals coupled with compelling information, exciting animations and transitions that make its viewer go "wow".

Its primary aim is to grab the audience's attention straight from the get go and educate them, whilst also maintaining their interest throughout. As a result, the length may vary but tends to be between 1 to 3 minutes. With some of the most effective ones falling within the shorter time range.

Delivery is key. Keeping the facts in bite-size, digestible chunks means the viewer doesn't have to struggle to keep up and combining this with a suitable voice over and related visuals puts emphasis on these points, leaving a stronger lasting impression.

In short, the effectiveness of an animated infographic can only be measured by the result generated from its desired target audience. That is not to say that an unsuccessful infographic is no good however.

More often than not a good infographic fails to be seen and doesn't generate the number of views that it deserves. This isn't a result of the video's quality but a due to lack of exposure. In this digital age, now more than ever, the importance of marketing these videos and seeding them out through the right channels holds as much importance (if not more so) in a successful campaign.

There are fundamental aspects that help push animated infographics towards the realm of brilliance but without careful consideration towards the target audience, the credibility, the visual style, interest and length of your information, the result will be the same. A lacklustre video that fails to grab the viewers attention and ultimately doesn't deliver.

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