And whilst all the events offer something, in terms of gaining an insight into the real nuances of the industry and the challenges and opportunities it faces– it also means that I am party to many, many (many!) circular discussions on the recurring – and related – issues of skills shortage, diversity and the reputation of the industry as a whole.
So, what should marketing’s role be?
There is certainly a need to raise awareness, educate and inspire an audience – but with so many disparate organisations and initiatives working in silos, I have my doubts that we will ever achieve the cut-through required to really make a difference.
If we look at improving the reputation of the industry and attracting new talent in particular – it seems we spend far too much time reassuring each other that we are an exciting, progressive industry and not enough money on communicating this to a wider society. We need to stop playing around the edges and spend some serious cash on a mass media campaign.
I know it’s an ambitious thought – but what if the construction industry came together, to become one client? If only we could pool all the relatively small amounts being spent by trade associations and joint initiatives - and make one big pot that could really make a difference.
Is this impossible?…probably. However, what is certain is that the fragmented approach the industry is taking at the moment isn’t likely to succeed.
Maybe all we need is for a handful of the trade associations to put their own interests aside and get talking – as surely a more cohesive approach, with a meaningful budget behind it, is the essence of any great marketing campaign.
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